

Designing count-based studies in a world of hierarchical models

Q.S. Latif, J.J. Valente, A. Johnston, K.L. Davis, F.A. Fogarty, A.W. Green, G.M. Jones, M. Leu, N.L. Michel, D.C. Pavlacky Jr, E.A. Rigby, C.S. Rushing, J.S. Sanderlin, M.W. Tingley, Q. Zhao - The Journal of Wildlife Management

A century of statistical Ecology

N.A. Gilbert, B.R. Amaral, O.M. Smith, P.J. Williams, S. Ceyzyk, S. Ayebare, K.L. Davis, W. Leuenberger, J.W. Doser, E.F. Zipkin - Ecology

Journals must expand access to peer review data

O.M. Smith, K.L. Davis, R. Waterman, R.B. Pizza, C. Mack, E. Conway, K.C. Dobson, B. Foster, A. Hristova, J. Jarvey, N. Nourn, C.L. Davis - Trends in Ecology and Evolution


Breeding season management is unlikely to improve population viability of a data-deficient migratory species in decline

K.L. Davis, S.P. Saunders, S. Beilke, E.R. Ford, J. Fuller, A. Landgraf, E.F. Zipkin - Biological Conservation

Peer review perpetuates barriers for historically excluded groups

O.M. Smith, K.L. Davis, R.B. Pizza, R. Waterman, K.C. Dobson, B. Foster, J. Jarvey, L.N. Jones, W. Leuenberger, N. Nourn, E. Conway, C. Fiser, Z. Hansen, A. Hristova, C. Mack, A.N. Saunders, O.J. Utley, M.L. Young, C.L. Davis - Nature Ecology and Evolution


Errors in aerial survey count data: identifying pifalls and solutions

K.L. Davis, E.D. Silverman, A.L. Sussman, R. Randy Wilson, E.F. Zipkin - Ecology and Evolution


Residency, recruitment, and staging duration of hatch-year roseate terns (Sterna dougallii) during the pre-migratory staging period

K.L. Davis, S.M. Karpanty, J.A. Spendelow, J.B. Cohen, M.A. Althouse, K.C. Parsons, C.F. Luttazi - Avian Conservation and Ecology

Begging behavior as an honest signal of need and parent-offspring association during the post-fledging dependency period

K.L. Davis, S.M. Karpanty, J.A. Spendelow, J.B. Cohen, M.A. Althouse, K.C. Parsons, C.F. Luttazi - Ecology and Evolution Read the blogpost!


Evaluating response distances to develop buffer zones for staging terns.

Althouse, M.A., J. Cohen, S. M. Karpanty, J.A. Spendelow, K.L. Davis, K.C. Parsons, C.F. Luttazi - The Journal of Wildlife Management


Hatch-year Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) prospecting and habitat quality influence second-year nest-site selection

Davis, K.L., K.L. Schoenemann, D.H. Catlin, K.L. Hunt, M.J. Friedrich, S.J. Ritter, J.D. Fraser, and S.M. Karpanty - The Auk: Ornithological Advances


Quantifying the effects of research band resighting activities on staging terns in comparison to other disturbances

M.A. Althouse, J. Cohen, J.A. Spendelow, S. M. Karpanty, K.L. Davis, K.C. Parsons, C.F. Luttazi - Waterbirds

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